Western Rugs for Sale

Western Area Rugs 7 X 9

This nursery displays a style that is much more sophisticated than those in many adult bedrooms. For interesting art or fun details like this goose lamp, simple gray walls make a great backdrop. Southwestern-style throws use rich colors like orange and pink. This small kitchen and dining space features ruddy tones paired with creamy whites, creating a warm but natural feel. Even though the farmhouse sink, Spanish tiles backsplash and distressed wood cabinets all look white, they bring visual interest to this corner.

South Western Print Rugs @ Walmart.Com

Western style requires the use of colorful textiles. You don't need traditional wall art to add city views to your room. This space is at home in Nashville and combines Southern and Western styles. Sarah Moore, Sarah Catherine Design's designer, says, "We wanted an old barn to be transformed into a modern farmhouse for my customer to host friends and families." "In this bedroom we countered white shiplap walls by adding bolder accents like an Iron bed, bamboo shades, vintage desk and lots of buffalo-check on the bed. The bright walls and natural lighting make this room feel more like a modern farmhouse cabin.

Thanksgiving Rugs at Hobby Lobby Western Hills Ohio

The large living room and high ceilings make it possible for many different textures and patterns to co-exist. The gold side table adds a touch of glamour.

Western Rugs 5×8

Western Rugs 5×8

There are three types available: "Sale", hand-knotted, and "Soumak". The most widely used type of rug is "sale," which can be found in a variety of price points and styles. You can also choose from the more expensive "handknotted", which is usually more detailed and lasts longer, or the cheaper "Soumak", which comes typically from Turkey, Iran, or the USA. Oriental carpets are made in India or China. These rugs are often used in conjunction with interior design. There are many rugs that can be matched with this type of interior design. Southwest rugs are a great match.

Western Motif Area Rugs

Like cacti or buffalo, horses are a West-inspired symbol. The style is accentuated here by the pairing of leather dining chairs and a contemporary glass table.

Western Motif Area Rugs
Turkoman Rugs, Western Mass
Turkoman Rugs, Western Mass

This art wall allows kitchen appliances and other kitchen equipment to disappear, creating a unique showplace. Rob Stenberg created the design for the walls out of reclaimed barnwood. The wall's touch-latch cabinetry gives it a more artful look than traditional kitchen cabinetry. A custom-made hemlockblock island is constructed by the homeowner and looks aged.

Western Rugs 11 X 7

Texas Road Shitake and Austin Onyx rugs come in five sizes so that you can find the right fit for your home. Southwestern Rugs Depot has the perfect western rug to fit your needs with its wide range of sizes, colors, and styles.

Western Rugs for Sale
Western Rugs 11 X 7
All of our rugs are made to order and go through a rigorous inspection process. You can typically expect your rug to be shipped 2 weeks from when you make your purchase.
Yes! We can ship anywhere in the world. Please send us an email with your address before placing an order outside of the US and Canada though. We need to partially charge you for shipping when you place your order.
Yes, please let us know within 3 days from when you placed your order.
We accept all major credit or debit cards. You can also pay with your PayPal account.
Just send us an email with your order number and we’ll send you instructions.  We will give you a full refund within the first 60 days after your order ships out.  After that, we have to charge a 25% restocking fee. You are responsible for return shipping fees unless you are swapping for a different design or size.
As soon as your order ships, you will receive an email with tracking info and then following emails with shipping updates.
We find rug pads are not necessary to protect your flooring. However, some people choose to use rug pads to prevent their rug from sliding around.